

Designing the Next Generation of Gas Turbine Engines With CONVERGE

April 30, 2025 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM CDT

Presented by:

Sameera Wijeyakulasuriya, Project Manager
Convergent Science

Gas turbine engines play an integral role in both aircraft propulsion and stationary power generation. As such, increasing the efficiency and reducing emissions are key areas of current gas turbine research. There are several approaches to achieving these goals, such as the use of alternative fuels, altering the combustion environment (e.g., increasing operating pressures and temperatures), or reducing the fuel flow rate and moving toward a leaner combustion regime. All of these approaches come with their own sets of challenges, and CONVERGE is well equipped to help manufacturers overcome those obstacles to design optimal gas turbine engines. In this webinar, we’ll highlight the important models and features in CONVERGE for modeling gas turbines, including the SAGE detailed chemistry solver, volume of fluid (VOF) and parcel-based fuel injection models, accurate models for turbulence and conjugate heat transfer, and fully autonomous meshing. We’ll demonstrate the application of these features to a variety of gas turbine cases, including hydrogen combustion, flame flashback control, lean blowout prevention, and high-altitude relight.

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