Workflow for a CONVERGE CFD Simulation

The workflow in CONVERGE consists of three steps:


1.Pre-processing (preparing the surface geometry and configuring the input and data files)

2.Running the simulation

3.Post-processing (analyzing the *.out ASCII files in the Case Directory and using a visualization program to view the information in the post*.out binary files saved in the output subdirectory).


We recommend using CONVERGE Studio for pre-processing. The following steps describe how to verify inputs, run the code in serial or parallel, and restart the code.


NOTE: When you install CONVERGE, the default shortcut or symbolic link (named converge) launches the PMPI version of the solver. It will be convenient to reconfigure this shortcut or symbolic link so that it points to the specific executable that is appropriate to your operating system, machine architecture, and Message Passing Interface (MPI). With this link in place, you can simply type converge instead of the full executable name. Many of the instructions for executing CONVERGE described below are given with the assumption that a symbolic link named converge is used in place of the full executable name.