Linux with PMPI

To run a parallel job with PMPI, first create a hostfile containing the hostnames of all machines on which the parallel job is to be run, with one machine name per line in the file. Start the job using the mpirun command as follows:


mpirun –np <number of processors> –hostfile <hostfilename> -1sided converge


For example, to start a four-processor job in the background, with a hostfile named mpd.hosts and the output redirected to a file, use the following command:


mpirun –np 4 –hostfile mpd.hosts -1sided converge > logfile.out &


In some types of MPI (e.g., MPICH2), all environment variables are passed to the slave nodes when the processes are initiated. For HP-MPI, however, the environment variables must be explicitly passed to the slave nodes. To pass the environment variables to the slave nodes (e.g., CONVERGE_ROOT, PATH) when starting the job, use the -e argument as in the following example:


mpirun -np 16 -hostfile mpd.hosts -1sided –e CONVERGE_ROOT=/path/to/converge_install converge > logfile.out &  


This will ensure that the CONVERGE_ROOT environment variable is set, which is necessary for CONVERGE to find the license file.