Unpack the Distribution

The installation package for CONVERGE is in a gzipped tar file labeled Converge Install 2.4 on the hub (named converge_install_<version>.tar.gz) that you must expand. Place the file in a temporary directory. Expand the tar file to create a new directory named Converge Install <version_number>. Note that CONVERGE 2.2 and earlier will also have a six-digit release date in the directory name. Unzip the file and open the archive using the tar utility


tar –xzvf converge_install_2.4.23.tar


The documentation and example cases will be unpacked into a subdirectory of this directory.


The package contains several different executables for CONVERGE. It will be convenient to create a shortcut or a symbolic link named converge that points to the specific executable that is appropriate to your operating system, machine architecture, and Message Passing Interface. With this link in place, you can simply type converge instead of the full executable name.