Environment Configuration Errors

Some errors occur because the environment is not set up or because CONVERGE is not installed correctly. Table 7 below lists common environment configuration errors.


Table 7: Common environment configuration errors.




error while loading shared libraries: xxx.so: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory

CONVERGE cannot find a library it needs at runtime.

Set up the environment by loading the appropriate module or sourcing the appropriate environment script.

syntax error near unexpected token `newline' export cvg_installroot=</path/to/install/root>`

The environment script has not been set up. This could indicate that CONVERGE is not installed properly, or that you are trying to use an environment script that is not installed.

Ensure that CONVERGE is installed correctly and that you are using the correct environment script.

Assertion failed in file ../../src/mpid/ch4/src/intel/ch4_shm_coll.c at line 1523: comm->shm_numa_layout[my_numa_node].base_addr

There was an error in IntelMPI's shared memory allocator, likely because the Intel SHM heap value is too low.

Set I_MPI_SHM_HEAP_VSIZE to a higher value, such as 512.

error while loading shared libraries: libconverge_udf.so: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory

CONVERGE cannot find the user-defined function (UDF) library at runtime.

Ensure that the UDF has been built and that LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains the path to the UDF library. Refer to the CONVERGE UDF Manual for more information about building UDFs.