Running CONVERGE on Linux

Before starting a simulation, you need to set up the CONVERGE environment. There are two ways to do so: (1) loading a module or (2) running a script.


Option (1) utilizes Environment Modules to simplify the shell initialization process. The modules provided by Convergent Science include environment configuration for the CONVERGE solver and related utilities, the supported MPI libraries, and CONVERGE user-defined functions.


To set up your environment, load the module for the MPI library and CONVERGE version that you want to use. Table 2 below shows the module load commands for each MPI library (refer to Appendix A for related hardware recommendations). Note that Convergent Science does not provide an Open MPI modulefile for CONVERGE 3.1+. You can still use your own Open MPI setup with CONVERGE 3.1+.


Table 2: Module load commands for each MPI library. Replace <version> with the version you want to run (e.g., 3.1.1).

MPI Library



module load <install_root>/Convergent_Science/Environment/


Intel MPI

module load <install_root>/Convergent_Science/Environment/



module load <install_root>/Convergent_Science/Environment/


Open MPI

(3.0 only)

module load <install_root>/Convergent_Science/Environment/



If your organization has its own MPI setup, enter the module load command for your organization's MPI environment immediately after the command from Table 2. This ensures that you will run CONVERGE using your organization's MPI configuration instead of the default MPI configuration provided with the CONVERGE installer.


For option (2), CONVERGE offers a script for each MPI library in the scripts subdirectory. The script sets environment variables for the CONVERGE solver and related utilities, the MPI library, and CONVERGE user-defined functions.


Run the appropriate script to set up your environment. Table 3 below shows the commands for each MPI library (refer to Appendix A for related hardware recommendations). Note that Convergent Science does not provide a script for Open MPI for CONVERGE 3.1+. You can still use your own Open MPI setup with CONVERGE 3.1+.


Table 3: Environment setup scripts for each MPI library. Replace <version> with the version you want to run (e.g., 3.1.1).

MPI Library



source <install_root>/Convergent_Science/Environment/scripts/


Intel MPI

source <install_root>/Convergent_Science/Environment/scripts/



source <install_root>/Convergent_Science/Environment/scripts/


Open MPI

(3.0 only)

source <install_root>/Convergent_Science/Environment/scripts/



The scripts in Table 3 include the default MPI configuration provided with the CONVERGE installer. If your organization has its own MPI setup, work with your IT team to determine the additional steps needed to use your organization's MPI configuration instead of the default MPI configuration.


When your environment setup is complete, navigate to your Case Directory and use the appropriate command to run CONVERGE. Refer to the following sections for example commands for each of the four MPI libraries. You must use a supported MPI version. Unlike in CONVERGE 2.4 and earlier versions, you do not need to copy or link the CONVERGE executable to the Case Directory.


CONVERGE accepts a number of command-line options. Note that you must use the appropriate command-line option (--super in CONVERGE 3.0 or --license super in CONVERGE 3.1+) if you have a superbase solver license.