Windows with MS-MPI

If you do not already have Microsoft MPI 10 installed, run the redistributable installer at


C:\Program Files\Convergent_Science\Redistributables\msmpi\Redist\



To submit a job with MS-MPI, enter


"C:\Program Files\Microsoft MPI\Bin\mpiexec.exe" -n <number of processes> powershell converge-msmpi.ps1


If you are using PowerShell, add an ampersand (&) at the beginning of the command.


For example, to run CONVERGE on 4 cores, you would type


"C:\Program Files\Microsoft MPI\Bin\mpiexec.exe" -n 4 powershell

converge-msmpi.ps1 (Command shell)




& "C:\Program Files\Microsoft MPI\Bin\mpiexec.exe" -n 4 powershell

converge-msmpi.ps1 (PowerShell)


To see all MS-MPI run options, use


"C:\Program Files\Microsoft MPI\Bin\mpiexec.exe" -?? (Command shell)




& "C:\Program Files\Microsoft MPI\Bin\mpiexec.exe" -?? (PowerShell)