Installing CONVERGE 2.2 on Unix/Linux

This section specifies instructions for installing CONVERGE 2.2 and earlier versions. For CONVERGE 2.3 or 2.4, skip this section.


To install CONVERGE 2.2 on Linux, log in to the Convergent Science hub ( and navigate to the appropriate directory. The installation file is located in the /Older Releases/CONVERGE 2.2/<operating system> directory, for example,


/Older Releases/CONVERGE 2.2/Linux/


Note that older versions of CONVERGE are named by the convention converge_<version>_setup_<architecture>_<release date>.msi (for example, a 64-bit Windows machine may use converge_2.2.0_setup_64_021715.msi).


There are four steps to installing CONVERGE 2.2 and earlier:

1.Unpack the distribution

2.Run the INSTALL script

3.Optionally, install the documentation and example cases

4.Set up the license manager.


The INSTALL script sets up the installation directory,  specifies machine architecture for the CONVERGE executables and utilities, and for the license server, and generate scripts for environmental variables for CONVERGE 2.2.