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If you are publishing work that includes CONVERGE results in conference proceedings, journal articles, book chapters, etc., please cite CONVERGE as follows:
Richards, K.J., Senecal, P.K., and Pomraning, E., CONVERGE 4.1*, Convergent Science, Madison, WI (2025).
*Please note that you should cite the version of CONVERGE used in your work.
Academic Licenses
If you are publishing CONVERGE results obtained via an academic CONVERGE license, please cite CONVERGE as shown above and include the following statement in your acknowledgments:
The CONVERGE licenses used in this work were obtained through the CONVERGE Academic Program.
- For papers that were presented at a conference and subsequently published in a journal, both citations have been included.
- Convergent Science was previously Convergent Thinking, LLC. Some of the older papers may refer to the original name.
- Prior to developing CONVERGE, Convergent Science used KIVA. Some of the older papers may include results generated from KIVA. Convergent Science now exclusively uses CONVERGE.
- The development name of CONVERGE was MoSES. This name is used in some of the older papers.