On November 4, 2022, Convergent Science broke ground on construction of its second office building in Madison, Wisconsin, just down the street from its World Headquarters. “For a company whose employees once fit in a small broom closet, we now need quite a bit of space,” said Kelly Senecal, Co-Owner and Vice President of Convergent Science. “We’re expanding outside of our original office building here in Madison. We want to make sure that each of our employees has their own space, their own office.”
The new building is expected to be finished in the summer of 2023 and will feature 43 individual offices, a dedicated training room for CONVERGE users, a recording studio, an employee gym, and more accommodations for bikes, including an inside bike rack. “We’re really excited to get moving on this project,” said Keith Richards, Co-Owner and Vice President of Convergent Science. “It’s been two years that we’ve been trying to expand our office space. It’s good to finally get the project going.”
In order to properly inaugurate construction on the new building, all employees were invited to put on a hard hat and take a swing at the old building. “We want our employees to feel part of the process,” said Eric Pomraning, Co-Owner and Vice President of Convergent Science. “We’ve had employees give us input on the design of the building. Some people are going to be moving in, it’s going to be their new office, their home office so to speak. We want them to feel a bit of ownership in the process and have fun.”
All three Madison owners joined in on the demolition party. “I’m just glad I didn’t injure myself, to be honest,” said Kelly.